Have you had enough of worrying?  Tired of struggling with anxiety?  Stressed about work, relationships or other things?  Here you will find information on anxiety and how it can be managed to help you cope

What is anxiety?

If you recognise yourself from the description above and have had enough of feeling the difficult symptoms outlined here, read on to find out more about troublesome anxiety and how to tackle it …

Why do we have anxiety?  What is the ‘fight of flight’ mechanism and is it ever helpful?  When the body’s reaction to stressful and worrying situations is explained, it can be more easily understood

The ‘fight or flight’ mechanism involved in a panic attack

So, if everyone has a fight-or-flight response, shouldn’t everyone suffer with anxiety?  Why do some people seem more likely to have a problem with anxiety than others?  Continue reading to find out more …

What can be done about problem anxiety?  Many people have learned to understand anxiety, to manage its effects and to cope with it in their lives.  The good news is that there is support available to help you feel better, and there are self-help tools also

How can I treat my problem anxiety?

Treatment for anxiety issues usually involves counselling, medication, self-help techniques or a combination of the three:




By now, you may be able to appreciate more fully why anxiety is a part of human experience, how it can become a problem at times and some of the ways that it can be managed to help us feel better

Why do some people seem  to struggle with anxious thoughts where others do not?  Is a panic attack physically harmful?  Sometimes people become worried not only about their problems, but about their anxiety itself

What should I do if I fear that it’s not actually a panic attack?

What causes people to have problems with anxiety?

When a panic attack feels like a heart attack

If you are in any way unsure as to whether you are experiencing a heart attack or a panic attack, it is best to seek immediate emergency medical attention.

Struggling with Anxiety?

Many people approach their counsellor or other healthcare professional and say they want to ‘get rid of anxiety’.  Life without worry and our ‘fight or flight’ response may not be possible, but there are things you can do to ensure anxieties remain manageable and don’t become too big a problem

Some Dos and Don’ts when suffering with anxiety and panic

How do I know if I have a problem with anxiety?  What are the symptoms?

People suffering with an anxiety disorder often struggle with the following:

Changes In Your Body

Resource 4 - Guided Meditation - Blissful Deep Relaxation

Resource 5 - Guided Sleep Meditation

Resource 6 - Healing Spirit - Guided Meditation for Relaxation


Resource 1 - Simple Relaxation

Resource 2 - Sympathetic Breathing

Resource 3 - Quiet Mind

If you are looking for some help to manage problem anxiety in your life, and would like to know more about the online counselling service offered at Ashwood Therapy, you can book a free, no obligation initial consultation by video call or instant messaging (text) chat to talk things over with Rob.  It could be the first step towards getting things ‘back on track’.

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